Vedic Sidereal Birth Chart PDF


Your Vedic astrological birth chart with all divisional charts in North Indian style, and your birth and navamsa nakshatras aka constellations. I have included the time periods aka dashas I utilize in my readings (Vimshottari, Yogini, Chara) as well as the Jaimini and Ashtakavarga systems. Your order will be sent by email within two weeks.

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Your Vedic astrological birth chart with all divisional charts in North Indian style, and your birth and navamsa nakshatras aka constellations. I have included the time periods aka dashas I utilize in my readings (Vimshottari, Yogini, Chara) as well as the Jaimini and Ashtakavarga systems. Your order will be sent by email within two weeks.

Your Vedic astrological birth chart with all divisional charts in North Indian style, and your birth and navamsa nakshatras aka constellations. I have included the time periods aka dashas I utilize in my readings (Vimshottari, Yogini, Chara) as well as the Jaimini and Ashtakavarga systems. Your order will be sent by email within two weeks.